Saturday, December 22, 2012

Grandparents On Duty (12/14/12)

Steph and Josh really wanted to go to Steph's Underwriter Christmas Gathering, so Bernie and I went to their house on Friday, December 14 to watch our grandkids.  After a nice supper, Steph and Josh starting heading to their house party.  They tried to get Hadley to be sad they were leaving, but Hadley was trying to get them out of the house.  We finally pacified Steph & Josh by going to the window and waving.  That way they finally left!  As you can see, Corbin was once again hard to take care of:  he slept!

 Hadley and Papa got busy playing.  They were having lots of fun while I watched Corbin sleep.

 Hadley keeps checking to be sure her brother and "buddy" is doing well.
 Papa and Hadley played nap time with blankets.
 Then it was tutu time!

 Snacks seem to taste better with a tutu on!
 Corbin got hungry about the same time to get Hadley ready for bed.  While I fed Corbin, Papa put PJs on.  They couldn't get Hadley's shirt off until I showed them how to unsnap the shoulder! 
Hadley goes to bed so easily.  After a few stories with Papa, we put her in the crib and she played until she fell asleep.  Such a good little girl!  Corbin and I snuggled awhile and after he fell asleep I let him stretch out on the floor while I reay my Kindle in the living room and Papa read his in the dining room.  Steph & Josh got home about 11PM.  It was a fun night for all of us!

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