Saturday, December 22, 2012

Football Time! (12/16/12)

Sunday, December 16, the Vikings had a noon game.  Steph, Josh, Hadley and Corbin came over in their  Viking gear to watch the game.  Hadley got in her "Touchdown" yell as often as she could.   Papa and Corbin matched!

 Had another great Pinterest supper.  Tried a new recipe for tomato soup with tortellini and chicken in it.  It was good.  We took a couple of family photos.

Went to Becca's place for the evening game after the Hughes' headed home.  The 49ers were playing at 7:30PM.  Got a little worried when President Obama was speaking regarding the tragic shooting in  Connecticut on Friday where about 20 school children were killed, but found another station that wasn't carrying his speech.  I snuggled up with my Kindle Fire and watched a Netflix movie.

 Bernie and Becca watched the game until about half time and then we headed home.  Gotta work tomorrow!
Bernie stayed up and watched the game.  Guess it was a really good game and the two texted throughout the game!

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