Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! (November 22, 2012)

Happy Thanksgiving!  Here is the card I sent to family.  I liked the design and colors.
 Steph & Josh were going to host Thanksgiving this year, but little Corbin's appearance made that hard for them, so my wonderful sister-in-law Karen stepped in.  We had  a wonderful turkey dinner at the Hall home.

 Corbin got to meet this family of relatives.  Of course, Auntie B had to hold him awhile.

 Hadley was shy at first, but relaxed a little and enjoyed the people.  She found her way to Papa's lap to watch football.  "Touchdown!"
 Great Grandma Elsa held Corbin.
 Aunt Karen found some books for Hadley and was able to lure her to Karen's lap.
 A wicked game of poker went on with Thanksgiving candy as the betting "loot".
 Corbin got hungry and I got to feed him for the first time.  He is eating so well.
 Kasi lured Hadley to her lap with a fun game called Henry that the Hall boys loved when they were little.
 This is so much like Hadley when she was little!  Hadley loved to sleep with her hands in the air.
 After a wonderful lunch at the Hall's, went to Steph & Josh's.  More cuddle time with Corbin for Grandma.

 Gave him a little break in his chair while we ate pizza and cookies.
 Up goes the hand!  Funny part is that Hadley gives him a high 5 when she see's this!
 Time for getting family pictures done for Christmas cards.  Here is a test shot.
 A preview of what our cards might look like.
 And the enlarged Hughes family!
 After diaper changes, we tested out the rocking chair in Hadley's room.  Yup, both grandkids can still fit on Grandma's lap!
 Steph is doing so well.  Who would believe she just had a baby 72 hours ago?
 Corbin nestled into Mama and held her finger.  Ah, love!

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