Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday (11/23/12)

Black Friday shopping is a tradition in our family but this year not much was done.  The only thing we really wanted was a new blu-ray DVD player with WiFi because our old one from last Black Friday is not working.  After driving past Target (line wrapped around the building before the 9PM opening) and Walmart (overflow parking in Culvers full and parking on the grass) and Shopko (line again wrapped around the building for the 9PM opening), Josh decided to shop online at  Good decision.  Becca did come over and go with Bernie to Kmart on Friday morning and we all 3 went to Shopko.  Got a few bargains that were left over and we were done and happy.  Steph brought Hadley over to visit while she took Corbin in to the clinic to weigh and have his bilirubin checked.  Weighs 6 lbs 13 oz - that is good.  Bilirubin is normal.  Yeah!  No glowworm blanket hopefully for him!  Hadley is into jello and had a snack with Auntie B.

 Some more Auntie B cuddle time for Corbin.
 Hadley wanted to hold her brother, so we let  her.

The bond of siblings is so important.  So far, Hadley is doing well.  She constantly is touching him and gets upset when he cries and wants him comforted.  He cried when we changed his diaper and she ran into the room checking on him.  That is a good start!

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