Sunday, August 5, 2012

Washington DC Day Seven - June 8

Slept in again and had breakfast in our room.  Got in some pool time before we start our day of touring.

The Health Inspector came while we were swimming.  Poor Lifeguard and his supervisor had to answer to a lot of questions!
Back to the room to get ready to go touring.  The maid had been in the room and made the beds and got Steph's little teddy bear comfortable.  Side note - sad but true, one night we couldn't find Steph's teddy bear.  We suspect he got caught up in the sheets and will not be seen again.  All these years of the girls bringing their stuffed animals to hotels and this is the first time one went missing!
Some of the metro area we were taking today was under construction.  Of course Josh and Bernie had to check it out!
We are really comfortable with the Metro now.  It is a very efficient way to travel.

First on the agenda, a tour of the Library of Congress.

The Neptune Fountain outside the Library of Congress.

Library of Congress building is beautiful, just like all the other government buildings we have been to.

Above the door is awesome.
Inside we registered for a tour.  The ceilings are so pretty.
The carved ceilings down the hallways are gorgeous.
We got these cool little electronics to listen to our tour guide with.
Inside the domed rotunda our tour guide filled us in on all the beautiful carvings and paintings.

Thomas Jefferson had an extensive library of books.  When the Library of Congress had a fire and lost much of it's collection, Thomas Jefferson offered to sell his collection of books to get the Library of Congress going again.

Our tour guide explaining our surroundings.

We visited the interactive Hope for America display, all about Bob Hope.  It was wonderful.

One of his famous golf clubs.

It was very well done and interessting display.

Such a beautiful building!

Next on our agenda is the Supreme Court.  We walked past the Capitol on our way.  Another beautiful building.
The Supreme Court Building.
We were there!

Justice Warren Burger.

The actual court room.  We couldn't go in because it was busy.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

The circular staircase was cool.
Justice Thurgood Marshall, who has information about him in our hotel.

Our two guys hamming it up.

We walked to the Capitol Building and took a few more pictures.

Walked to Union Station and caught the Metro to our hotel.
Went to our "downtown" for ice cream at Baskin and Robbins.  Stopped at Manhatten Market and Bernie got some sandwiches for supper.  Back to the hotel and did more pool time.  Ordered in pizza for Josh, Steph and I while Bernie ate his sandwiches.  Watched the movie "I Don't Know How She Does It" on pay-per-view.  It was a great movie.  Then bedtime!

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