Sunday, August 5, 2012

Washington DC Day Eight - June 9

Today we decided to eat breakfast out of our room.  Headed "downtown" to Murphy's Pub of DC.  They had a nice breakfast menu and we enjoyed eating outside.

 Then we caught the Metro to the end of the line and found the bus to Mount Vernon.  It was a great opportunity to see parts of the Washington DC area and of Alexandria Virginia.
 Arrived at Mount Vernon and paid for our tour.
 These awesome statues of the Washington Family were in the Museum.  George Washington never had children of his own.  He married Martha, who brought 2 children into the marriage.
 This was a cute dollhouse version of Mount Vernon home.
 Walked quite a ways up to the Mansion.
 Had to take pictures with the house in the background.
 The gardens were pretty.
 We could peek into the slaves quarters.  George Washington had quite a large farming operation here at Mount Vernon.

 Men's quarters.
 The Blacksmith Shop.
 Overseer's quarters.

 Quite a fancy Necessary Room - a 3 seater.
 Closer pictures of us at the Mansion.

 In line ready to tour.
Of course we weren't allowed to take pictures inside.  Quite a mansion for it's day.  After the tour, we headed down to the  Wharf.  Decided to catch the boat tour of the Potomac.

 Had little time before the boat came in and went to the 16 sided barn.  It was interesting.
 This was slaves quarters set up near the barn.

 Where they tried to keep their food preserved.
 Straw bed on the floor.  The house had an upstairs where they kept their beds during the day and brought them down every night to sleep downstairs.
 The boat is coming in!

 All aboard!  We got good seats along the side.
 Our tour guide did a great job of explaining our surroundings.

 View of the Mansion from the boat on the Potomac River.
 Washington DC is 10 miles away but at this crossing you can see some of the monuments and buildings.

 Fort Washington and a lighthouse.
 Back to the Wharf and where our boat docked.
 Next walked along the trails to the Tomb of George and Martha Washington.

 Right is George Washington and left is Martha.

 After we walked the compound, we had ice cream in the food court.  Caught the bus to the Metro.  In the Metro, Josh found this bathroom.  Kind of like a portable restroom.  It was quite unique.
 This sign was on the wall - we suspected to keep transcients from sleeping inside.
 Walked around the hotel to the gardens on the side of the building and had a picture taking session.

 A kind gentleman offered to take our picture together and we took him up on it.
 Re-enactment of where Bernie and I spent the morning reading our Kindles while Steph & Josh slept in.
 Went for another swim and then headed downtown.  Our last evening in DC and we ate at Noodles & Co again.  Really liked that place.
 This time I got a Rice Krispie bar - now I know why Steph loves them!
To the hotel and bed.  Tommorow we get to see our "babies" back in South Dakota!

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