Thursday, August 16, 2012

Washington DC Day Nine - June 10

Our final day in Washington DC.  We are sad that we are leaving, but we can't wait to see our babies - Becca and Hadley!  Slept in - that IS what vacations are for!  Headed down to the pool one last time for reading and relaxing.

 Had  breakfast from "downtown" McDonalds.
 Breakfast drinks of champions!
Back to our rooms, packed and headed out to the elevators.  This is the beautiful area on our floor where we caught the elevators.
 The view outside looking out the glass side of the elevator.
 Checked out of our room in our beautiful hotel lobby.  We just loved staying here in such luxury.
 "Our bags are packed, we are ready to go!" One of my favorite songs!
 Took the Metro to Ronald Reagan Airport.  We are such pros on the Metro and I think I am going to miss this easy transportation!
 Got lunch at the airport from Auntie Anne's and Five Guys.
 This nice gentleman next to us asked if he could take our picture for us.  You bet!

 Hadley and Becca - here we come!

 Plane ride to Omaha and found our car and raced home to find our babies waiting for us!

 They made this sign to greet us at the door.

We had a wonderful vacation, but were so glad to be home and reunited with the rest of our family.  Thank you so much Becca for taking such good care of Hadley so we could fulfull our dream vacation in Washington DC!  Thank you Josh for doing a good job organzing our trip and for wanting us to come along!  Thank you Steph for also wanting us to come along and spending so much time doing the things you have already done so we could see them!  Love you all!

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