Thursday, August 16, 2012

Newton Hills Camping

The weekend of June 14 to June 18, we went camping at Newton Hills.  Bernie and I pulled in Thursday evening, June 14 and set up.  We had a nice, quiet day on Friday, June 15, to relax and enjoy the day.  Cell service isn't good in the campground, so we went up to the tower to do our calling and texting.
 It is such a pretty view up there, too! 
 Now this is relaxing at the campground!  Friday night Becca came out and we had a good evening together.
 Saturday morning dawned beautifully.  We got the campsite ready for the "Hughes Invasion".  Can't wait.

 Hadley arrived and brought her Mom and Dad!  She found her chair and took a quick few minutes to relax and get her picture snapped.
 Then it is off and running again.
 Grandpa is always so glad to see her.
 Whoops!  I think there is something wrong here.....maybe wrong chairs????

 We always take time for a little walk.  Good thing Steph & Josh bring the stroller along for Hadley to push!
 I found a cute tea set and for the "kids" to play with.
 Sure glad they shared with Hadley!

 We have such fond memories of the girls coloring in the camper.  Gotta get that started with Hadley.
 Bernie and Josh are always working on some project.
 Be sure to day and sign your picture!  The Ideker Rule!
 Auntie B is so much fun!
 It is a tough task to untangle the Bolo Game Balls.
 Busy, busy, busy.
 Nap time!  Josh is alway so willing to "supervise" this time!
 This is what we do while Hadley is napping!
 Time to get the fire ready for supper.
 Our favorite seasoning for our burgers on the grill/campfire!
 Grandpa's little helper.

 And she sure does love the s'mores!
 Ready for bedtime!
 Sunday, June 17 is Father's Day.  The Hughes come back to spend the day.

 One of our many walks around the campsite.

 Time to open the Father's Day gifts and cards.

 Patiently watching the festivities.
 Then moving on!

 Grandpa and his girls.
 Auntie B helping Hadley with her cheese puffs.

 Wait a minute.....who is eating Hadley's cheese puffs?????
 Time for a little drive around the campground.  Hadley was so excited to ride in the truck and not have to be in her car seat!  She really enjoyed the ride.

 The view at the tower.

 This tree was quite interesting....
 Bernie rented a surrey for an hour and we had fun riding it.

 Hadley loves looking out the windows of the camper.

 Made mac and cheese for Hadley and she was so excited to eat it!  Used the air conditioning vent to cool it down!
 Mom is distracting Hadley while I cool  the mac and cheese.  She can't wait to eat!
 "I feel better now Mom!"
 We reallly don't need toys in the camper to keep Hadley busy and having fun.

 Tickle game with "Dad doo".

 Hadley tends to put things down her top.  Found her toy phone in her jumper.
 And then she put it back in after we took it out!

Another fun camping weekend.  Weather was warm, but we were thinkful for the air conditioner.  This "glamping" is the way to go!

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