Monday, August 20, 2012

Confession Time

I have to confess.  I had a pink shirt all packed for the camping Reveal Party.  I was hoping Hadley would get a sister.  I got a text message from Steph after the ultrasound "Got the money shot!  See you tomorrow!"  Then I started getting messages about shopping at Once Upon A Child.  Got a picture of a double stroller and then a call that they found a nicer stroller for me than the one I had.  I started getting suspicious.  Why would they go to Once Upon Child after the ultrasound?  They have been talking about getting extra things for the baby, but there is no hurry - they have plenty of time left.  But......if the ultrasound showed a boy........I thought maybe they couldn't wait to get some boy things!  I thought and thought about this and at the last minute decided to change my t-shirt to blue.  I have to confess I had "insider" information!  I am so excited we are  having a boy!  I haven't had the opportunity to  raise a little boy and look forward to helping Steph and Josh raise their son!

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