Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friendship Mugs

I really miss Janine and Nelda at work.  After 30 plus years of being together every day, it is tough to go to work now.  Thank goodness we are still getting together.  On July 18, we were due to meet at the Attic for supper.  I had found these friends mugs and wanted to use them for just the right occasion for Nelda and Janine.  This evening out seemed like the right one.  I made the little signs to put in them, stuffed them with candy and brought them along to give to them.
Our evening out was awesome.  We spent about 4 hours together, once again solving the world's problems.  It was relaxing and refreshing.  Oh how I miss seeing these two for lunch every day!  For now, I will have to rely on these evenings out to get my Janelda fix!

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