Friday, June 1, 2012

Another Sad Day!

Today was a sad day for me.  One year ago today was a sad day when Nelda Eitreim retired from the VA.  But Janine Beck was still with me.  Now, today, Janine retired from the VA.  That leaves only me of the "Three Amigos" who have eaten lunch together for over 30 years.  I miss Nelda terribly and now will be missing Janine terribly.  I am trying to look at the fact it is the end of one era and the beginning of another.  They are both only an email or phone call away.  But the tears are once again flowing as I write this.  OK, Connie, enough self pity!  OK - Congratulations Janine!  Here is the picture Linda Tom took of Janine today at her desk for one last day.
 Besides eating lunch together every day at the VA for over 30 years, we have gone out for lunch every Friday.  Once Janine's husband Kim retired, he came on Friday's and picked us up.  Today was the last Friday he will be coming to get  both Janine and I from the VA.  Nelda joined us at the Pickle Barrel for Janine's last lunch out as a VA employee.  It was so good to see her.  Kim took this picture of the 3 of us.  I hope Kim and Janine will join me for lunch out once in awhile! (Hint, hint!)
I will miss the wonderful afternoon walks with Janine.  The only things that kept us inside were rain, ice and very low windchills.  If the weather was decent, we walked outside all year.  It always felt good to be outside, plus we could vent and get our frustrations out about our jobs and return and feel much better.  I will really miss my walking companion.

Congratulations on your retirement Janine!  I wish you well!  Let's talk soon!

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