Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Camping Trip of the Year

Our first camping trip of the season started on Wednesday, May 23 at Big Sioux near Brandon.  In between rain drops, I finished packing the camper and when Bernie got home, we finished up his packing and took off.  Set up the camper and Becca joined us for supper and games.  It was a great start for the camping season!  Slept well despite all the thunderstorms.  Thursday Bernie headed to work and I got to enjoy the camper all by myself!  Lots of time to organize the books on my Kindle and the pictures on my laptop.  Watched the CBS morning news and got in several episodes of ER.  Suddenly it was 2PM and I hadn't checked "nap" off my to do list!  Slept/read until about 4PM when Bernie called to say he was heading home.  Went to get groceries, ate a leisurely supper, took walks and did what Bernie is doing here  - relaxed!
 Both Bernie and I had to work on Friday.  Got up, cleaned up, breakfast and to work on time (unhappily I might add).  Back to the camper after work.  Becca came out, had a beer, and headed to Harrisburg for Josh's birthday dinner at Fresh Horses.  Travis was late getting into town from Edgerton for work, so he was unable to join us.

 Food was great at Fresh Horses and then headed back to the camper.  Travis was waiting for us at the school.  Spent some time outside and then moved inside.  Steph & Josh decided to head home to sleep and Becca, Travis, Bernie and I played games and then to bed.  Leisurely morning on Saturday:  coffee and reading.  Bernie headed into Sioux Falls to mow and pick up a few things.  When Steph & Josh got back to the camper, Steph, Hadley and I went to get a few groceries.  Came back and Becca and Travis were up.  Late morning breakfast and fun around the camper.  Travis headed into Garretson for golf and Josh's friend Molly Moor and her friend Eric  came to visit.  Had a good time getting to know them.  Snapped a picture for keepsake of their visit.
 Magan Whetham came out to the campground and got Becca for a bachelorette party.  Hadley fell asleep on our walk and we let her sleep awhile in the stroller.  But not for long.  She woke up 'cuz too much to do while camping to sleep!

 Camping made Hadley hungry and thirsty.  She ate a whole banana!

 Polished off lots of milk!
 We had hot dogs, brats and smores around the campfire.

 There is lots of fun things to do around the campground!
 Hadley was so good about holding Grandpa's hand while we went for a walk.

 Quick bucket bath to get the dirt off Hadley before they went home for a good night's sleep.
 Bernie and I relaxed in the camper after the Hughes left.  Becca called at 2AM for us to come and get her - we didn't want her driving back.  Slept in late on Sunday.  Felt good.  Travis was a little under the weather due to spending first paycheck at the Lion's Den Bar in Garretson.  It was later when he came out.  But the Hughes came earlier and we had a good breakfast.  Fun then around the campsite.

 Hadley found a little dirt and had to get her hands washed.  Grandpa put a pan out just her size so she could reach it.

 "I am done now Grandpa"
 And Grandpa helped her dry her hands.
 Snack time.

 It started getting really hot and muggy.  The Park Ranger came around and updated us on the weather.  Some bad weather brewing south of us.  We decided to check out the park before it got too bad.  Hadley's first time in the campground park.

 She wasn't too sure about the park and was a little scared.

 We will try again next time.
 Got the air conditioner going in the camper and spent more time in there.  Here Travis is behind Becca with his hands doing the action!
 Hadley was quite mesmerized.
 Then Becca's turn with Travis - she couldn't even touch his forehead - her arms were too short!

 We got the fire going and got our food cooked just about the time the storm started.  We tried to move the table under the awning and enjoy our supper, but the wind came up and we had to move inside.  Well, wouldn't be Memorial Weekend without weather conditions to deal with!  Got the game going that Becca taught us with words/drawings and had a blast.  Will have to come up with a name for this one!  The Hughes headed home in between storms and Becca, Bernie, Travis and I played Uno.  We rarely keep score but we did this night and had to stop when we got too tired.
 Monday dawned a beautiful day!  Cooler and felt so nice.  Becca and Travis caught a few flies with our electronic fly swatters and we worked on our Uno game until the breakfast bake in the crockpot was done.  I couldn't believe how late I slept in and was late getting the crockpot going, but the egg bake was worth the wait!
 Travis got a fire going after we finished our Uno game at 500.

 Bernie, Becca and Travis had gone for a walk while I did dishes and found some wood.  What a comedy show watching them get that wood cut.  I took a video and it is hilarious.
 We decided to do a taste test on the new Shock Top Summer Shandy that Travis brought out and see how it compared to the Leinenkugal's Summer Shandy.  Amazing results and we were surprised we could tell the difference.  Also did one with Bud Light and Coors Light to see if everyone could tell the difference.  Of course the beer experts (not me) knew right away which was which.

Hungry again.  Travis and Becca couldn't go without pizza sandwiches over the campfire for the weekend.

 Travis and Becca packed up and headed out.  After all, they are now working people and have to go to work on Tuesday.  About the time Bernie and I were getting lonely and wondering what to do with ourselves, the Hughes call and are on their way to see us.  So much for family day at home. :)  They were hungry and did brats and hot dogs over Travis' nice campfire he started.

 Hadley ate her smore in pieces - a marshmallow and graham cracker.
 Oops, think they got this chair thing wrong......
 Big girl drinking out of Mom's water bottle.
 Hadley lasted just a few seconds in her chair the right way but about 2 minutes in her chair the wrong way!

 She is getting this camping thing down pat - convinced her Mom to go for a walk.
 She had fun playing with the Bolo Balls.

 We all went for a walk after eating pork chops, steak kabobs and twice baked potatoes over the campfire.  Hadley insisted on walking almost all the way without being carried!
 Snack time again before we went inside for a few games.

 Then it was bucket bath time again and the Hughes headed home.  Bernie and I slept in on Tuesday and leisurely got the camper cleaned and packed.  It is now tucked back in at Harrisburg until next time!  Can't wait!

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