Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend With Hadley

The weekend of May 16 to May 19, we got to enjoy Hadley while her Mom and Dad went with Adam and Val to their cabin in the Black Hills.  As you can see on my previous post, Thursday night was quite exciting.  The rest of the weekend was more relaxing and fun.  Friday  morning took her to daycare before I went to work and that went well.  Picked her up in the evening and she was excited to see me.  We came home, had a nice pizza supper from Papa Johns with Becca and Travis and watched The Transformers.  Hadley was such a little flirt with Travis and they had fun bonding and playing.  It was too easy to put her to bed.  She was really tired and laid her head on her blanket by Travis' feet and I took her upstairs, put her in the play 'n pack.  Of course she complained, but as soon as I shut the bedroom door, she plopped down and we didn't hear from her until 8:30 Saturday  morning.

Bernie, Becca and Travis left early Saturday to go get Jerry and golf at Salem.  Hadley and I had a nice quiet day of playing.  We did a grocery run to HyVee and Hadley enjoyed that.  She got a poppy from the soldiers at the door. 

 When we got home, she helped me unpack the groceries.  I think she has a sweet tooth.....she wanted a cookie!

 We stopped at Payless and got her a pair of camping shoes.  She carried them down the hall and put them away in the bathroom!

 She reorganized the refrigerator.....
 And ate every chance she got!
 Naptime came in the afternoon and she was easy to put down.  I was tired, too, and Bernie, Becca and Travis came back from golf ready for naps too.  We all took nice long naps while Hadley did!  She also helped Grandpa get the State Park Stickers ready to use.

 Saturday we had Tacos for supper.  Hadley ate almost an entire soft shell!  We watched Contraband and once again Hadley was easy to put to bed.  After she was in bed, a horrible storm came up - she didn't even wake up!  We turned out all the lights and watched the lightening show out the window.  Becca and Travis had front row seats.
 Sunday we slept in and I was not feeling well.  Week 3 of my cold and I was getting tired of it.  Went to Acute Care and got antibiotics while Bernie and Hadley walked to Kmart for some things.  When I came back, Becca had already left to go to Garretson to join the Williamson's on a trip to Watertown for Travis' cousin's graduation party.  We did a bath for Hadley since we did not know what time Steph & Josh were getting home.

 The rest of the day we played.  Took a group nap again - when Hadley went down, Bernie and I did too!  We had a nice lasagna supper and when Becca came home, we played and played.
 Steph and Josh got to our house about 8:30PM and after a quick synopsis of their trip, took our sweet Hadley home with them.  Miss her!  Hope this Black hills adventure for Steph & Josh happens again soon!

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