Monday, May 21, 2012

Crash Went The Tree!

Picked up Hadley from daycare on Thursday, May 17, and brought her to our house.  She was going to stay with us for the weekend while Steph & Josh went to the Hills with Adam and Val DeWitte for a little R&R.  We were calmly finishing our supper when we heard a funny "whoosh" sound.  Bernie opened the door and looked out of the garage and said "Oh my gosh, you have to see this".  This is what we saw:

 Yes, the neighbor's tree fell over our driveway, onto our cars!  Thank goodness the truck was in the garage!  Peggy said she pulled into the driveway and heard the sound like she had driven over a  plastic pop bottle.  She looked toward the front yard and their tree had toppled! 
 The wind was fairly strong this day, but nothing that we thought a healthy tree would have problems with.  Must have been a sort of downdraft that was powerful.
 It made a mess of our yard and we could see the cars under there.  No air bags deployed or windows broke.  We were so thankful no one was hurt! 

 Hadley was having a blast being outside and watching everyone.

 Of course it brought all of our wonderful neighbors over to help.  Monte brought his chain saw and in no time the guys had the tree cut apart and removed.  I think Al was disappointed he had to go to a ball game and couldn't be here to help!  Doug came home from a funeral visitation and his friend that he was with helped load the tree up and took it away.

 I snapped a few pictures of the damage to Smurf.
 And to the Impala.

 Hadley and I took a break and she had a bath while Bernie handed out beer for all the helpers (and watchers) outside.

 After Hadley's bath, we went back outside to join the beer group and had a few goldfish to eat.  There is damage, of course, but nothing like it could have been.

Oh boy, what we have to do to get our neighbors outside to visit!  Thanks to all our wonderful neighbors in a short time everything was cleaned up.  Now the hassles of getting our cars fixed!

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