Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yum, Pancakes!

On Thursday, April 12, we took Becca and Hadley to their first ever Lions Club Pancake Feed.  They loved it!  We are pros, having been going for a few years now.  Becca gasped at the line when we went in, but we assured her it moved fast.  And it did.  In no time, we were at the door and then she saw the next line!  Oh, well, we moved fast.  She was impressed with the organization and speed with which we got through. And she was also happy because Hadley wanted her, and only her, to hold her in line!
 Got our pancakes, found 5 seats together, and Hadley started in on her pancakes.  That little girl, who the doctor is worried about her weight being so low, put away 2 pancakes!  Auntie B tore one up without syrup.

 Then Hadley moved to Mama's lap and got a taste of one with syrup and it is obvious which one she prefers!  She has Grandma's sweet tooth, for sure.
Another great Pancake Feed.  We can't wait for next year, when Travis will be out of school, and we can take him.  He will love it!

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