Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cardmaking In Rock Valley

Karen's co-worker gave her a gift certificate to the scrapbooking store in Rock Valley, A Walk Down Memory Lane, for a card class for herself and 4 of her friends.  She chose Lana, Steph, Becca and I to go with her.  We went on Saturday, April 14.  What a fun day.  We went early so we had time to shop at Loopy's Dollar Store.  Lots of good bargains and it was hard to save our money for the scrapbook store!  We also darted into a used clothing store and found Hadley some things and Steph got two pair of used maternity capris.  Score!!  When it was time for our class, we headed to the scrapbook store.  Karen had told Lisa, the owner of the store and our instructor, that we were not beginners and Lisa chose "intermediate" cards to make.  We were so glad she did.  She taught us some really fun new techniques and we used products we might not have otherwise known about.  Plus, it gave Becca the artistic freedom to do hers as she wished.  She had a blast.  Plus, we went away with 4 beautiful cards. 

We started about 10:30AM and didn't get done until after 1PM.  Lisa was in no hurry and even though the store had closed, she let us shop and take our time.  We all walked away with lighter wallets and heavy bags of goodies.  What a fun time!  Thanks, Karen, for choosing us to share your class.  It was awesome!

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