Sunday, April 22, 2012

Walnut Grove

Saturday, April 14, was another card making day.  Semi-annual trek to Walnut Grove for their wonderful workshop!  It always amazes me how this tiny town can put on such a great event.  Their community hall is a perfect place with lots of room.  The lunch is always very good, put on by the Senior Class for their fundraising.  And the gals who direct each table are so friendly.  Getting to know some of them and they remember me.  This time it was nice - we all wore name tags.  Good idea Kathy.  I found out the names of some of the people who are always there from Sioux Falls, too.  This time it was exciting for me.  We had 7 of us in our group!  Yes, 7.  Two newbies - Shirley and Nelda.  It was so much fun all going together.  Too bad we couldn't be in one car. 

Once we got our cards done, we headed downtown (1/2 block) to the Fond Memories Store.  Spent a wad of money getting supplies.  I always end up buying some of the things we used on our cards so I can use them at home.
 We asked a very  nice lady sitting on the bench outside to take our picture.  Thank you!
Nelda Eitreim, Shirley Remond, Karen Hall, Tammy Vandewerff, Connie Ideker, Janet Reierson and Lana Fiolka
The cards we made were beautiful!

Afterwards, Nelda, Shirley and Tammy headed home while Karen, Lana, Janet and I went to Brookings to join Ryan and Haley for supper.  It was a wonderful day and I can't wait for the next one!

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