Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hadley Day at Grandma's

Sunday, April 15, Steph & Josh bartered brunch with us for taking Hadley for the afternoon.  Steph has an important test on Tuesday and needed to study.  We had a delicious brunch of egg bake and caramel rolls and then Becca and I brought Hadley home. 
  It was a fun day having her here. She played and played and teased us. She is getting such a sparkling personality.  She used this box Becca has packed up to move to her storage unit as a table. 
Hadley watched Grandpa working outside.
 Brought out the old Fisher Price Telephone and Picnic set the girls had when they were little and that was very entertaining for Hadley.  She'll get this phone thing down pat soon. 
About 4PM took her for a walk around the block in the stroller. She fell asleep and I let her sleep in the stoller until almost 6PM! Guess we wore her out. Steph and Josh came for supper and we had wonderful pizza from the HyVee Deli. Games then PJ's and home for Hadley. Come back soon Hadley!

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