Sunday, April 22, 2012

Steph's Birthday Celebration

Even though Steph's birthday is March 21, it took until April 21 to find a date to go out to celebrate.  Talk about busy schedules!  She chose Valentino's for lunch on this Saturday.  We were excited because we hadn't been there in awhile and Travis had never been.  A very kind waiter took our picture for us.  Even Hadley posed!  Good job Waiter!  He was really nice.
 Steph couldn't cut pizza fast enough for Hadley to eat.  She ate 2 pieces of pizza, plus some peaches, cheese, ham and, of course, ice cream!
 Gift time.  Josh and Hadley gave her a pretty new pink stone ring, Becca gave her a pink tool kit and shopping trip, and Bernie and I gave her money for the new Coach purse she wants.
 Becca had a good time keeping Hadley entertained.
 Funny, I don't remember taking this picture........
 Back to our house after lunch to digest, play, and......
 nap!  Travis really liked Valentino's but it was tough trying everything!
Hadley took a 3 hour nap! Played games while she was sleeping and watched the Pixar shorts.  Josh and Travis napped for awhile.  Decided to have a light supper of corn dogs, cheese, chili cheese dip and ice cream bars.  Played more games and after our late supper, it was PJ time and the Hughes headed home.

What a fun, relaxing day spending time together.  Happy Belated Birthday Steph!  Hope you had as much fun as we did!

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