Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Easter!

Easter Sunday, April 8,we invited everyone over, including the two Great-Grandmas.  The Easter Bunny had come during the night and left gift bags for the "kids".  Hadley got a cute bunny that could sing and dance.  Isn't Hadley cute in her little Old Navy dress and leggings?

 Hadley loves her books and really liked this Easter story.
 Becca and her bag.
 Steph and her bag.
 Josh and his bag.
 Travis and his, bag.
 Bernie and his, bag.  Gosh, that Travis and Bernie think too much alike......
 Bunny Hadley
 Lunch was grilled  burgers, brats and hot dogs with cheesy potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, and cupcakes for dessert.

 Hadley REALLY liked the cupcakes.

 Miniature Easter Egg hunt in Hadley's hood and front pocket.

 Love the look she is giving Travis!  She is still just a little leary of him and keeps a good eye on him. 
 Auntie B has big shoes to fill.
It was a beautiful spring day and so much fun to all be together!  Happy Easter!

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