Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gift Of Memories

Monday was a holiday for me (Martin Luther King Jr Birthday) and I did some cleaning of my scrapbooking/cardmaking corner. Found this article I had cut out from the paper in Annie's Mailbox. It made me think of my daughters and their grandparents when I found it, but now I want to be just like them. I cut it out a long time ago, but it is now something I will be working on.

Dear Annie: You've printed some letters recently about grandparents who overindulge with gifts. I don't remember too many things my grandparents bought me. I still have the rocking horse that Grandpa built with his own hands and Grandma helped paint and finish. I remember the Christmas that Grandpa got down on the floor and played trucks with me. I remember walking through the woods with them while they taught me the names of every tree, flower and bird. I recall the mornings Grandpa took me fishing on the lake and Grandma had picnic lunch waiting for us. I remember sneaking out with Grandpa to get ice cream on summer afternoons. And how he would stop on the porch to listen when Grandma was playing the organ and say, "Isn't that just beautiful?" I remember the flashlight he gave me when I left for college. He wanted to make sure I was safe. But the last gift was the afternoon I spent playing cribbage with him. The things you make, the stories you tell, and your knowledge and time are the most precious gifts you can give. -Montana Granddaughter. Dear Montana: What lovely memories. Those are gifts that last a life time.

I hope to give Hadley and every other grandchild I am blessed with these type of memories!


Steph Hughes said...

I fully support this!! Time is sooooo much more valuable than money!!!! Memories are priceless and can never be taken away!!

Lisa B said...

What a beautiful testament that time is better than money. I am sure that Hadley will have many happy memories with you and Bernie, especially camping ones!