Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hadley Updates

I get so excited when my phone tells me I have a message: A Hadley Update!

4/17: Up all night but conks out the second we put her in Mom & Dad's bed. Not good. 4/18: Hadley slept in her crib ALL night! However in retaliation Hadley the Houdini not only got her amr out of her blanket but also single handedly out of the pjs! How did she do that?

4/19: I made a new friend today.

4/19: I put the bunny in front of her and she reaches for it. When I take it away she wails. I think we have our first stuffed animal.

4/20: Our legs have gotten it figured out. We are just working on those skinny arms.

4/20: Holding our head up and looking around.

4/21: Hadley pic for the day. Sorry its so late. I didn’t forget about you guys. Had some much needed mommy time today so didn’t get home until now.

4/22: Hanging out at great grandmas.

4/22: I can’t decide what to suck on, my fingers or my pacifier. So I will suck on both.

4/25: Lazy day at home. Hanging out with mom.

4/25: This is a face that says “I haven’t been feeling good all day but I am finally getting everything out”.

4/26: Clutching that pacifier with both hands for dear life during our group nap time.

4/27: So big!

4/28: So I took this picture and was going to say “purple today for the grandmas”. But good thing I got a picture on the changing table because I picked her up and she spit up all over it. Yummy.
4/28: Rocking the footie pajamas!

4/29: Does she look comfy or what?

4/30: Tummy time!

4/30: Hadley and Daddy at the Falls.

5/1: Your daily Hadley pic.

5/2: Dad and daughter checking out the neighborhood.

5/3: So big!

5/4: I drink until I pass out.

5/4: Checking out the neighborhood from the front door.

Can't wait for my phone to beep again - another Hadley Update!

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