Sunday, May 8, 2011

Abby's Graduation

When Becca asked us to come to Vermillion to Abby Harmon's Graduation Party, we weren't sure why. Yeah, we have known Abby since Becca's freshman year, but after all, we are 'rents. But, when your 21 year old daughter asks you to come and join her, you go. So on May 7, we headed to Vermillion. Abby and Becca were roommates Freshman year. USD recommends that you don't room with a best friend, it can ruin your relationship. Becca was working at Tan World and her manager, Amanda Harmon, told Becca she should room with her sister. Abby and Becca had volleyball in common and Amanda thought they would like each other. They agreed to try it. They were roommates Freshman year and became good friends. They met lots of other great gals on their floor in the dorm and swapped roommates Sophmore year. But then Junior and Senior year, they lived in a house and then a duplex together with 2 other friends. Essentially, they have "lived together" all 4 years. Bernie and I arrived in Vermillion at 1PM and headed to Eagles Bar, where Abby works and was having her reception. We didn't realize it was in the basement and couldn't get a hold of Becca by phone. We enjoyed a beer in the bar, only to find out everyone was downstairs also enjoying beer, with no cell service. When Becca finally found us, we headed down to join the party. Lots of great food and beverages. Becca's friends made Bernie and I feel so welcomed and we enjoyed visiting with all of them. We had thought we would go and stay an hour, but didn't leave until almost 9PM! What a great group of kids. Abby's Mom, Jan, was there too and we had a good time catching up on life with her. Here is Becca and her friend Shalena Meyer, one of the "Elm Street" residents from Winner, SD.We took a great picture of Becca, Kaylani Mercado, Shalena and Abby.Bernie wanted to get into the picture with "the girls" so we took one with him.Then I had my turn.And we caught Abby's Mom Jan for a shot.All of Becca's friends were so nice. Abby was having her party with 3 other guys who were also graduating. One of them, Adam Fink, came up to me and asked if I was Hadley's Grandma. What a surprise that a 21 year old guy was that into family! He said he had seen some great pictures of Hadley and that Becca was so proud of her. Bernie and I had a great time and were so glad we went! Best wishes to you Abby on your Graduation and good luck in Occupational Therapy Grad School!

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