Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun Saturday Evening!

Josh's friend Wes Strait and his wife Sara came to visit them for the weekend from Minneapolis. Josh planned a BBQ for Saturday evening and invited us all to come. We had a great time. They moved the grill into the garage because the wind was so cold and Josh grilled our meat there. He did a great job. Becca got Hadley ready to go outside in her cute little snowsuit. She was so cute and hardly moved while she was in it!

Steph put her cute little Hadley hat on her to keep her head warm.

Momma Steph is so proud!

Sara enjoyed taking care of Hadley and holding her.

She dressed Hadley in her cute Hippo PJ's that Grandma Mary gave her for Easter.

And she even had Hadley standing up!

Josh and Steph had a great weekend with Wes and Sara and we were so happy to be invited to spend Saturday evening with them!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Fun evening. Love that last picture of Hadley standing on the table. Already growing so big!