Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poor Becca!

Becca called Steph on Friday and asked her to come and get her from Vermillion and bring her home, she was sick. Bless her heart, Steph went and got her. Becca could hardly move she was so achy and tired, with a sore throat and stuffed head. She has had a rough season of allergies and now this. She slept for 12 hours from Friday night to Saturday. Took it easy on Saturday and enjoyed homemade pizza for supper Saturday night. But then she couldn't sleep Saturday and by Sunday morning was not feeling any better. Acute Care, here we come! Dr. Haigh checked her out, tested her for Strep and other things, and decided she has something viral going on. Great news! Now she just needs to ride the rest of it out. Heavy dose of Tylenol and Ibuprofen and she started to feel better. Bernie and I took her back to Vermillion this afternoon and after she enjoyed a nice shower, took her to The Main Street Pub for supper. Dropped her off at home and headed to Sioux Falls. When I went to the back seat to get my purse and jacket, under my jacket was Becca's keys! Poor Becca! If she didn't have bad luck, she wouldn't have any luck at all! Called her and told her we would have them overnighted to her tomorrow. What a weekend! But it is better than the appendectomy weekend......

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