Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Toy

I bought myself a new toy. Now, I know, I buy myself toys all the time. But this is one I have been wanting for a LONG time. See, I have 4 boxes of negatives of all the pictures I took before digital photography entered my life. All have been printed, but some of the pictures have disappeared for various reasons. And finding the negative with the picture on it, getting it printed, and all that is not fun. I decided it was time to get digital copies of these negatives. Taking them to a store to do this would have been thousands of dollars. Not going to happen. I tried one negative scanner a while back, but it did not work with my laptop. So I tried it again. It is not flawless, but I can get the job done. Now, instead of sitting in front of the TV falling asleep, I can scan my many negatives in and enjoy them as digital shots. Wow, what a trip down memory lane! Here is a glimpse of 1978:

This handsome guy and I went to Valley Fair in Fall of 1978.

Mom and I went to Falls Park and she took this shot of me and Rufus on the bridge.

Here is Mom & Dad at Thanksgiving Dinner.

And we played pool in the basement in 1978, too! Here is Don.

Can't wait to scan in more!


Becca Lynn said...

wow not much has changed!! the house still looks the exact same haha

Steph Hughes said...

Love it! Can't wait to pour over thosepictures when you are done! I want copies.