Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sad Day - My Sunshine Closed!

One of the reasons I loved living where we live is because I was just 1/2 block from a grocery store. When we only had one car and Bernie was gone, I could walk to get groceries. Whenever I needed something quick, I could walk a short distance and get whatever ingredient I didn't have on hand. I think I kind of got a little sloppy in my grocery shopping habits because I could get whatever I needed whenever I needed it with little time loss or driving anywhere. Well, not anymore. Mid August, my little Sunshine closed. Sad Day!
I liked shopping there because it was small, I knew most of the staff and they had everything I basically needed. Now I will have to move on to HyVee, Walmart and Target. Good bye Sunshine! I loved you and I will miss you! Thanks for the memories!

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