Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hannah's Birthday Party

I have to start out this post with a little side note. Steph & Josh have been busy telling people about the new addition on the way for their little family. Josh is gone this weekend to Minneapolis to tell Brian and Wes. So Steph decided she would tell the Baier clan. We figured they would all be at Hannah's birthday party. So she decided Bernie would wear his new "Promoted to Grandpa" hat and see who would notice first and how long it would take. We talked about who it would be and how long it would take. So on this Saturday, July 31, we marched up to Reese and Lisa's garage, me, Steph, and Bernie in his hat. Now, Bernie always wears a hat. So he didn't look any different than usual. Kallie, Reese and Joel were standing in the garage and greeted us. It took about 2 seconds of them all looking at us, at Bernie's hat, and remarking about what it said. Wow, that was fast!! We were impressed. Word spread rapidly throughout the house, so we got quite a few people "in the know" in a very short time! Anyway, back to Hannah's Birthday Party! Here is the card I made for her. It turned out so cute!
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch of BBQs. Then Hannah opened gifts.

She liked the little outfit we got her and enjoyed the pink Hippo Becca gave her.

The book Steph & Josh got was a hit.

Hannah gets a special cake because she is allergic to milk and eggs.

It was a fun birthday party. So glad we are considered a part of the Baier family!

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