Sunday, August 1, 2010

Delmont Pickle Packin' Party

It was Pickle Packin time again! So we packed up our new camper and headed to the Baier Ranch. The storm delayed our journey Friday night (see previous post), but we got there and set up in some pretty wet lawn. After a good night of sleeping and knowing Steph & Josh were safe at home, we woke to a beautiful day on July 24. Headed into Delmont for a day of fun and pickles! This sign greeted us at the Community Center. Sam was busy registering everyone and there were lots of new faces and the crowd was large. The Dill Ladies were busy getting the dill all cut up and ready.

Cucumbers were being cleaned in the back room.

Mike was at his usual post at the washing machine washing the new cucumbers.

Wow, what a lot of future pickles!

We hurried and got our usual spot among the veggies.

The invitation had said there was a secret ingredient for the pickles this year. Here is what the water bottles told us!

We got lined up and everyone at their stations. Allen and Cindy Baier bought their neighbors. Heidi was really fun to be with. She is a Physical Therapist in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Things were a little rocky at first. The "newbies" seemed to want to run the show and tell us "veterans" how to do the job. Well, once they got that out of their systems and disappeared and Sam took over again, things went smooth.

There were jars even lined up outside this year! Rumor has it we did about 2400 jars this year. Usually has been about 1800.

Here everything is in full swing and the crowd is big!

Our little crew had a great time!

Missing this year was Grandma Frieda. She was babysitting Victoria. So I took over her job that she has done for many years. It is hard to replace a 90+ year old!

Of course we had to have usual sister shot!

We enjoyed a wonderful potluck lunch. Things went smooth in the afternoon and we were done about 4PM. Headed to Tripp for supper and Deep Fried Pickles. Didn't get enough pickle exposure during the day! Enjoyed some time after supper on the steps visiting.

This was our first real weekend in the new camper. We had slept one night in it over the 4th. (Post to come - it got a little mixed up in date order, sorry.) So we did a little organizing. Brought the label maker along and had Becca in charge of making labels. She got a little carried away in labeling everything......

Sunday we took some time to relax in the camper. Joel and Sandy were getting packed and ready to go to Lincoln NE to take care of Holden, so we just took our time packing and relaxed a bit before heading home.

We invited the Baier's over to the camper for breakfast. Bernie and Becca cooked while Steph & I served.

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