Sunday, August 1, 2010


Josh was acting strange in Delmont at the Pickle Packing Party. He was quiet (not like Josh at all). He went to bed early (not like Josh) and slept in (now that is like Josh). I asked Steph if he was not feeling well. She kept saying he was fine. They invited us over for pizza Sunday night after we got home, unpacked the camper, and tucked it into storage. When we arrived, Dan and Mary were already there. We didn't even know they were coming, but hey, that is great, we love to see them and spend time with them. We went in, chit chatted and then the kids ushered us into the living room to supposedly look at a video. Well, they went into their back room and brought out pink and blue wrapped boxes. Uh, oh. We all started getting a little excited and guessing what is going on. These two were grinning from ear to ear!They started handing out gifts.

Bernie opened his first. A Vikings Onesie! Now we have it figured out. We are going to be Grandparents and an Aunt!! Bernie got handed a new cap, "Promoted to Grandpa" that confirmed it!

I opened mine to find a cute "Grandma's Scrapbook Subject" Onesie!

Mary opened up a cute little scrub set that has "Dr. Hughes" across the front.

Dan's Onesie was a New York Yankee logo.And of course, Aunt Becca-to-be had a Twins Onesie!

Now here I have to tell you that Miss Becca knew all along what was going one. Steph confirmed on Friday that she was pregnant and had to share with someone besides Josh the good news. So she called Becca. Now Becca decided she had to tell someone, so she called Travis and Casey. Both felt better and were able to keep the secret until Sunday. But poor Josh struggled with it and that is why he was not himself at Pickle Packing weekend. He said it was so hard, especially with the Baier's there. But you did a good job Josh! Here is the happy gift recipients.We enjoyed some great pizza but couldn't even tell you what kind!

Then we posed for pictures, of course!

And had to have the mandatory goofy shot because we are all so happy!

Congratulations Steph & Josh! Can't wait until March!

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