Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Have A Truck!

We found ourselves a new truck! I happened to see this one at a little used care place close to our house that was once a funeral home. Bernie and I biked over and he thought it looked pretty good We went back another night and test drove it and really liked it. Bernie had his brother look it over on Friday, June 4, before they headed to Mankato for their golf weekend. They loved it and encouraged Bernie to get it. So that night, after Becca went to work, Steph and I went over and bought it! It was just too easy. I should have bargained more with them. They accepted what we offered, with the van trade in. Bernie had given me what we would move up to, but didn't need to do that! Should have offered less! Oh well. We got our truck! It is a 6.0 diesel engine, just what Bernie thought we needed to tow the new camper we want. Now we will be waiting for the next set of campers to come in. Hurry Goos! Here are the pictures Steph took before we left the lot of OUR truck!