Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pheasants Game

Bernie's company (Continental Western Group) secured a box at the Pheasant's game on June 3, 2010, and invited Bernie and several employees to enjoy the game, food and mingling with some of the agents who were in town. So while Bernie was in air conditioned comfort, Steph, Becca and I got tickets in our regular section "C". Weather was actually beautiful and we enjoyed our seats and watching a good game. The big inflatable pheasant is quite a site from our seats. We could see Bernie standing in the box visiting and enjoying the view.

The weather was a little threatening at times, but we lucked out and it never broke over us. The sky gave us quite a show.

About 9th inning, the girls and I ventured up to see what comfort Bernie and Company were in. They had opened up one of the partitions in one of the boxes and they had a huge area to enjoy. There was lots of good food and everyone was having a good time. I don't think a lot of game watching had been going on, but we got to visit with a few of Bernie's co-workers and enjoy the view. Still, you can't beat section C seats for being involved in the game!

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