Sunday, June 6, 2010

We Have A Pickup!

Steph & I bought a pickup Friday night!! Bernie and I had been looking around town and on the internet getting a feel for what was out there. We knew we needed at least a 3/4 ton pickup, and our sources were recommending we get a diesel. The camper we are looking at will need a lot of power to pull it. We tried to deal with Billions on one, but they wouldn't come down in price to meet our goal. I drove past a little used car lot by our house and saw this Ford F 250 parked there. Bernie and I went over when it was open and test drove it. We were a little unsure, but Bernie had his two brothers take a look at it and they thought it was a good deal. Well, Bernie and his brothers were on their way to Mankato to golf, so he called me and told me that his brothers thought we were fools to let this pickup get away. So Steph and I went over to Autoland to try to land the deal. It was too easy. We got it! Yeah! Thanks Steph for helping out!

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