Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Salute to all our loved ones lost, especially to the Military who keep us safe.

We had a busy but wonderful Memorial Weekend. Friday night started out taking our van to Billion to see what they would give us in trade for a pickup we found there. Still not good. Too much money for our budget. Came back home and packed to take the camper to Vermillion on Saturday

Saturday up bright and early and headed to Vermillion. Becca had done her research and found out that free camping with electric hookup was available at the Lions Park. She headed over there and there were 2 spots left, so she parked her car in the one and we pulled in. Awesome! We won't have to camp in the Walmart parking lot! We were ready to do that if needed.
All day Saturday was spent at Becca's house, with her roommate Abby, packing their things and moving them to their storage unit. As usual, Becca was very organized and on top of things. Because they had to be out of their house on May 31 and could not have their duplex until June 1, they rented a storage area to put their things in. Quite a bit of their house was empty and in storage when we got there and just had to finish up things. We took a break during the day and had lunch at Main Street Pub. Awesome food. We worked until we were tired and burned out. Then we relaxed by heading to Eagles for darts. Abby was working a private party there so we watched her serve.We noticed when we were at the Pub for lunch that Shrek Forever and After was playing at the movie theater in downtown Vermillion. So we decided to go. We like to do movies on vacation and this was sort of a vacation!
We went to Dollar Tree and got treats to take to the movie and Becca wouldn't let us look at anything - she promised she would bring us back to look at our leisure. We didn't have to fight much of a crowd.....
The movie was great. We took Becca back to her house to sleep and Bernie and I went to our lovely camper in this wonderful free park! Slept good after a busy day.
Sunday we got up early and got ready for Becca's call. She came and we went to Jone's Food Center for a wonderful breakfast. It had rained during the night and was raining during breakfast, but soon stopped and turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day. Back to the house to finish packing up and moving things. Steph joined us and we put her to work too. Everything but their mattresses and a small TV were in the storage area.

We moved both mattresses into the living room for Abby and Becca to have one last sleep over. The rest of the house was empty! Becca joined us for the evening in the camper. We had another great mid day meal at The Main Street Pub and then had a fun filled evening playing cards and games. We got a little crazy playing with the USA cards and guess what, I guessed the most States! I know I am a nerd - love geography.
Monday the girls had to have inspection at 10AM and have the house all spotless if they wanted their deposit back. So we put the last things - mattresses, TV and cleaning supplies in the van and did one last big vacuum of everything and the house was cleaner than when they moved in!! We had about an hour to kill before inspection time, so we went back to the camper. The girls got busy with the fun books we had for them when they were little in the drawer and colored pictures and did puzzles. Abby and Becca headed for inspection and passed with flying colors! Abby headed to Hurley to spend the night with her Mom and Becca came and got us. We shopped Dollar Tree and Walmart. Becca was so happy to have everything done she got a little goofy at Dollar Tree.

We were all glad the packing was done and things secure. After a great lunch at Little Italy, Steph, Bernie and I headed home. We took the Focus so Becca could keep the van and stay overnight in the camper. Travis will come tomorrow and help her move her things from storage into the duplex. We will be going back Tuesday night to bring the camper home.
Everything worked so well and we had a great weekend. Becca's friend Lyn, who is the Secretary at Jolley Elemetary, stopped by right before we headed out and gave Becca her phone number in case she needed anything. Made Becca's Mom feel better that she had someone to call in case anything happens. We had been wondering how we would fill our weekend, but we were able to pack and move things at leisure and still have time for fun. Great job Becca in being once again so organized!

1 comment:

Becca Lynn said...

Thank you! =) it was so much and fun and so helpful for you guys to come down, I can't say thank you enough!! The camper rocked to have too...we gotta remember that campground!