Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newton Hills Camping Day 4

Steph and Josh got sick during the night and headed home to be comfortable in their own bathrooms. I had a tough time falling asleep again after they left, so was really shocked when I woke up and it was 9:16AM! Haven’t slept in that late in years! Bernie was at Reese and Lisa’s when I got up and he came back around 10. Had breakfast and leisurely read the paper while having coffee. Reese, Lisa and Hannah came over to visit for awhile, then headed back to lunch and a nap. Hannah enjoyed playing with our dominoes while in our camper. We finished the paper and enjoyed time in the camper. Helped Reese and Lisa hook up and after they left went to Canton to get ant killer to get rid of our unwanted visitors in the camper. Back to the camper and watched “It’s Complicated” with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. Great movie. Becca came out after work and we grabbed a bite to eat. Relaxed in the camper all evening, Becca reading her book and Bernie and I watching our Netflix movie "K-19 The Widowmaker".

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