Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newton Hills Camping Day 5

Slept in and woke to rain, as the whole weekend has gone. Had breakfast and Becca headed back to Sioux Falls. Bernie and I packed up best we could with lots of wet gear, then unpacked it all at home and set it out to dry. Will take awhile to get it so that it doesn’t mold. One of the hazards of camping! Bernie and I ran a few errands that afternoon (nice to have a day off during the week) and ended up dropping the truck off at Sioux Falls Ford for a check up to be sure it doesn’t have any issues we didn’t know about. Becca and I did a little shopping at the mall and met Bernie, Steph and Josh at Shenanigans for an impromptu supper. Amazing how when we tell our three kids we are going somewhere, they want to join us! Love the feeling. We had a wonderful supper and reviewed the camping weekend and upcoming ones. The kids got excited about camper shopping and since everyone is free the next Saturday, made plans to check out a few camping dealerships and see what is out there. Everyone is excited about a new camper and want to get this going!!

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