Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newton Hills Camping Day 3

Saturday, June 12 - Another storm during the night. Bernie and I were alone in the camper for the night, and a huge boom of thunder woke us up. Rain and wind followed. Bernie watched the weather channel while I read awhile to relax again and fall asleep. Slept in a little. Good news from Becca – still no water in the basement. Soon Steph and Josh arrived. We went over to Reese, Lisa and Hannah’s to admire their camper and visit with Lisa’s parents, Maxine and Roger. They dropped in to have lunch. We had our own snack session in the camper and played the Game of Life. A blast. Steph tried to help Bernie put a new code in for unlocking the truck. Will try again some other time......Becca and Travis arrived and brought rodeo golf and the bean bag toss. Set those up and the kids had a good time playing both. We had a great supper of brats, hamburgers and hot dogs. Before s’more time, we headed up to the lookout tower. Travis snapped a few pictures while we were waiting for Reese to grab his camera. Well, he sure did catch us at our best! Bernie rode with Reese, Lisa and Hannah to the tower. Hannah let Bernie get her out of the truck and carry her to the picture taking area!I snapped a picture of the kids while Reese got set up.Reese took family pictures of us in our camping shirts. They turned out awesome. See my separate post. We snapped a picture of them, too!Back to the campsite for the bonfire and s’mores. Becca and Steph helped get more wood out of our new truck.......And Bernie cut some up.Hannah enjoyed her marshmellow by the campfire. While other were playing rodeo golf, Lisa and I watched Hannah re-enact the game of bean bag toss. She was watching!! The Baier’s called it an early night and we played games of Charades and Guesstures around the campfire. Becca and Travis headed back to Sioux Falls and Steph and Josh stayed overnight. Too tired for games – what a busy day!

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