Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newton Hills Camping Day 2

Friday, June 11 - Slept in the best we could. It had really been storming during the night. Heavy rain, thunder, wind, lightening. Becca even got her clothes on, ready to move to the shelter. But the morning dawned and it was nice outside. Our new truck!Also in front of our "old" camper.A leisure breakfast and leisure morning of reading and fun.Bernie and Becca did some walking and hiking in the mud. Steph worked until noon and Josh until one, so they came out early afternoon. Stopped at our place to check the basement and thankfully the cleaning of the eaves must have stopped the leak. We all had mid afternoon snack together and played games. All three can fit on one side but won't have to if we get our new camper with a U shaped dinette.We played games outside and enjoyed the nice weather that we were afraid wouldn't last.Soon Joel and Sandy Baier arrived and not long after Reese, Lisa and Hannah Baier. Travis was not far behind. Here is what the campsite looked like after everyone arrived. All got settled in and we had supper around the campfire. Bernie grilled brats for us and had hot dogs and s’mores over the campfire. Played games around the campsite.Steph & Josh had a long day, so they headed home early. Joel and Sandy and Reese joined us for the bonfire while Lisa and Hannah headed to bed. Fun times around the bonfire! Becca had to work early Saturday at Tan World, so she and Travis headed home. A wonderful second day of camping! Here is my new camping flag that I got off eBay.

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