Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newton Hills Camping Day 1

Thursday, June 10. Had the day off from work. Planned to get packing done and some baking in for the weekend. Enjoyed a leisure time with Becca before she headed off to work. It was really raining when she headed to American Eagle about 9:15AM and the water was coming over the drain spouts in front, so I decided to check the area behind the couch in the basement that had gotten wet one time before when that happened. Sure enough, slosh, slosh. Water coming in. Moved the couch and things away from the wall and pulled up the carpet in that area. Threw down towels to absorb the water flowing in and got the fan going to dry out the carpet. Called Bernie and he told me where the wet vac was to draw up the water. Towels soaked by now, so started vacuuming. Still raining cats and dogs outside. Finally the rain slowed down and the water slowed down in the basement. We never got any water in the sump pump hole, so figured it must just be the eaves full of debris. Got a late start in packing for the camping weekend, but managed to get it all done while keeping an eye on the basement. When Bernie came home, he climbed the ladder and cleaned all the whirlybirds out of the eaves – a ton of them. Attempted to get the camper hooked up to our new pickup, but the ball was on a receiver bar too high for the camper to hook up. Quick trip to Campbell’s Supply got us a new one and we hooked up and headed out. Becca wasn’t too far behind us and we found Steph & Josh just turning onto Highway 11 when we went past the Harrisburg road. They thought that maroon truck had a camper just like ours, until they realized that was our truck! They fell in line behind us and soon Becca caught up to us so we were caravanning to Newton Hills! Fun! Checked in and headed to our campsite. Set up camp, had a bonfire and hot dogs and s’mores. Steph & Josh headed home because poor things had to work Friday. Becca spent the night with us. The day turned out wonderful even though a rough start with the water in the basement!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Glad you got the basement figured out! So nice that you guys were close enough that us poor kids can still work. Love the camping times! So much fun!