Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Bernie!

Yeah, I know Bernie's birthday is in April. But with our busy schedules, we didn't get to go out for his traditional birthday dinner until June 8! Bernie chose the Pub at CJ Calloways. We had a great time, relaxing conversation, and good food.
Then off to Steph & Josh's house to admire their landscaping and have Bernie open his gifts. What a patient man to wait so long to get his goodies.

He liked his Twins shirt, sign, new slacks, tennis shoes, and flag pins for his hats.

We played Guesstures and reminisced about playing charades at the campfire. Plan to get that game out at our next camping trip!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Happy Birthday Dad! You were VERY patient to wait so long! I had fun!