Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friends Part X

It is amazing how something you have in common with someone can create such a bond. There are many people who work at the VA that have a love of stamping. And we have found each other. Every couple of months we have a get together at a restaurant in the evening and ALWAYS have a great time. We bring gifts to exchange and the rule is you have to stamp something. Most people make a card or stamp on the gift bag and buy something. But some of them are very crafty and make a wonderful gift. This month's outing on June 7 was planned by Nelda Eitreim and Robyn Tyler and we went to Szechwan, one of Nelda's favorite places and one she frequents often. Robert, our waiter, catered to us because of her. I was a little late because Bernie and I finalized our new truck and brought it home before I went. I had a great time telling all my friends all about it. The meal was excellent and service was great. We had fun exchanging gift and even had one "steal" (where someone steal's another's gift) and we rarely have one of those! Robert spoiled us be bringing us a free dessert when he hear why were were gathered there. Can't wait for the next outing!
Robyn Tyler, Nelda Eitreim, Marla Archibald

Barb Thaler, Connie Ideker, Robert, Rose McGaha, Tammy Vanderwerff

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