Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Update

Friday night Becca came home from Vermillion. We always so enjoy her updates of her week at Jolley Elementary. I know she will be sad this next Friday when school is out for the summer. She will be busy packing and getting her things moved to storage. She has to be out of her house on 5/31 and cannot have her new place until June 1. She made the decision to put it in a storage facility so that she can move into her new place at her leisure. We plan to go down next Saturday and help her move the heavier things. It will be a good move. The new place is a duplex (no worry about shoveling and mowing), plus it has a large kitchen and two bathrooms. Both a plus with 4 girls living there. Danielle came over Friday night and we had supper and the girls and Bernie enjoyed a campfire in the backyard.

Saturday morning we were up early and connected the camper to the van. Brought it out to Goos to have it appraised for trade in. We had thought we might order our new camper, but Lee had called on Friday and said they sold the one we were looking at (2010) and will be getting some new 2011, same floor plan, in a couple of weeks. So we decided to wait and see what they get in and we might be able to get a new camper sooner than ordering. Lee assured us it would be the same as they 2010 except a few cosmetic changes (different flooring, different cabinet fronts). Bernie just doesn't want a unit that has been sitting on the lot for awhile. Lee promises to call us as soon as they come in. We toured a few fantastic campers while waiting for Lee to finish with some customers. One really cute one has a room in the back that has a small dinette, bunk and couch that makes into a bed. There are little doors on the wall that open so you can see into and out of this area. Great little room for kids/teenagers to enjoy. Could also be a great craft room for a retired couple....... Came back home, unhooked the camper and headed to Katie Ribstein's graduation open house and then Cade Baier's 2nd birthday party. Great to be with the Baier's again. Steph and Josh landed in Omaha from Washington DC about 5PM and headed home. They stopped at our house to pick up Josh's xBox that I had retrieved for him from UPS. Brought us little gifts and we had a great time laughing at the laser pointer/shocker that they got Becca. Thanks for the gifts Steph & Josh. (I think Dad slept in his cap.) Bernie and I watched "The Blind Side". Awesome movie!

Today has been a great Sunday. Up at 6AM and ran to Walmart. Printer problems and hoped a new ink cartridge would solve the issue. Kind of did. Will have to work on that printer to see why it jams. Then my favorite Sunday activity - coffee and the morning paper. Has been a leisure day since. Computer work, made cards and just all around doing only what I want to do! Planning enchiladas for supper. Heading to Sunshine now to get supper things, so have a great week!

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