Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stampin Up Party and Grandkids (3/16/13)

Saturday, March 16 was a busy day.  Lynette Carmon and Sara Consoer had a Stampin Up Party in the morning.  Sara made such cute treats!  The little cupcakes were delicious!  Sara has a cupcake business on the side and I can see why she is getting so busy with them!
 We each got to take one of these chicks and carrots home.  Cute!
 These are the cards we made.  Love them!

 When I got home from the party, Steph and the kids were at our house.
 My co-worker Jan gave me this bag for Hadley.  She was right - Hadley loved using it!

 Corbin enjoyed playing the the Twins bear.

 Hadley - you are too big for this carseat!
We went to the Hughes house for the evening and had a nice supper.

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