Tuesday, October 1, 2013

iPhone Time! (3/12/13)

Steph and Josh have had an iPhone for a long time.  We have been up for new phones for awhile, but just waiting for the right time to upgrade.  On March 12, Becca emailed me and said she was tired of her problems with her phone and really needed to do something.  I told her we could go to Verizon that night and emailed Bernie what was going on.  We met a our house and off we went.  I knew I wanted an iPhone, too, but Bernie wasn't sure.  Once he saw that other phones were the same price, we decided to all get a new iPhone 5!  Wow!  We kept the place open past closing time, but they were busy and the gal who waited on us was so very patient with us and we let her help someone else while we talked.  She wouldn't close down the store  until we were all set up and ready to use our phones!  It is an amazing feeling to be so update on our technology!  I know we are all going to love them!

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