Monday, March 18, 2013

Super Bowl (2/3/13)

Now for my very favorite day of the week:  Sunday!  As known in the Ideker/Hughes group as Family Day.  This particular Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and of course we have a party.  Becca's team, San Francisco 49ers, are in the game!  The two sisters get decked out in 49ers attire.
 The food spread is out - choices per everyone's requests.
 I even found 49er paper goods at Walmart!
 The two main football fans get comfortable for the game.
 And little Hadley cuddles with Auntie B.
 Becca's Pllow Pet  got a rider to take it for a spin.
 Don't we look comfortable for the game!

 Corbin's first Super Bowl party and he was his usual laid back, smiley self.

 The game got tense and the true football fans were on their feet!
So sad that the 49ers lost.  It will take awhile for Becca to heal.  But by next Super Bowl, she will be ready to party again!

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