Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturdays Are The Best! (2/2/13)

Saturday, February 2nd, Steph and Josh wanted to do some packing and work around the house to get more ready to move.  Steph brought the kids over to stay for the day.  Fun times!  Little Corbin is so laid back, smiley and keeps one eye on his sister.
 Hadley is really into pictures - inherited that trait.  She puts my cellphone up to her face and yells "Say Cheese!"
 We keep the books handy so that when the urge to read hits us, we are ready.
 Little guy just hangs out.
 Lots of toys but she loves her root beer bottle to play with.
 Photo shoot time.  Little Hadley says "take my picture" and crawls up with her brother.
 Her table and chair with her kitchen things get a real work out.
 Little guy got tired watching big sister play so hard.
 Down time in Papa's chair.
 Smiley guy hangs out.
 Hadley insisted on a picture of her baby doll.
 Hadley finds a nice place to read.
 She keeps a stash just in case the urge to read hits.
 Steph & Josh picked up the kids and after supper took them home.  Bernie and I headed to Grand Falls Casino to catch Gary Lewis and the Playboys.  Fun to see and hear them again.  They have aged gracefully just like us!
Ah, how I love Saturdays - one of my favorite days of the week!

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