Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Mother-in-law Warned Me!

My Mother-in-law warned me when I decided to marry Bernie.  She told me life would never be dull with Bernie around.  I didn't realize how right she was!  For 31 years now he has entertained me.  There are so many stories to tell, but I'm just going to tell this year's Christmas one.  You see, Bernie loves all things Christmas.  Even the years we didn't have anyone over for Christmas at our house and before we had kids, he still put up decorations.  I'm not big into decorating and as usual Bernie (with help from Hadley) put up the Christmas tree this year.  I didn't watch carefully, just left him to do his thing.  Well, he got most of the branches put on the tree (we have always had an artificial tree) and noticed he still had one left.  It was a longer branch that was supposed to be on the bottom, but since he was almost to the top, he just put it on where he was!  I didn't notice it until Steph pointed it out to me.  He had already decorated the long branch with his Viking and Golfing ornaments!  I just had to take a picture of this branch sticking out while I was taking the ornaments off.
My Mother-in-law had warned me!  Now I know what she meant!  Love you Bernie!

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