Monday, December 24, 2012

Ideker/Hughes Christmas (12/24/12)

We decided to have a brunch for our little family Christmas celebration.  Our stockings were on display.
 The tree looks great.
 Presents are under the tree.
 We decided to take pictures right away when the Hughes came.  Hadley heard us say take pictures and she backed up to the wall and stood and smiled!  Isn't she cute!
 We snapped family pictures right away.  Even Corbin was awake and ready for pictures.
 Papa's buddy!
 Our family picture turned out great!
 Grandpa, Grandma and Grandkids!
 Add in Auntie B!
 Auntie B and Hadley!
 Hadley and Corbin posed quit well!
 Auntie B and her niece and nephew!

 Corbin was wide awake for quite awhile!
 We sat down to a nice brunch of egg bake, overnight french toast, chocolate chip muffins and grapes.
 After brunch, Hadley helped Grandpa hand out the stockings.

 After opening the stockings, Hadley helped Auntie B pass out the gifts.

 Grandpa's new hat is pretty nice.

 I couldn't print the picture of Becca opening her new computer.  She really liked it!

 Hadley really loves her new brother!  She keeps an out on him at all times!
 When it was time to go, Hadley worked hard to get her new boots on.
Steph and Josh and kids headed to the Hughes celebration for the evening.  Another fantastic Ideker/Hughes Christmas celebration.

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