Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hall Christmas (12/25/12)

My family get together was on Christmas Day.  My Mom, brother Don and his family all came to our house for a nice lunch and our new annual tradition of bingo.  I served Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Corn, Buns and various other items with lots of baked goods.
 Then time for bingo.  We each brought a $15 gift and a $10 gift.  Let the games begin!
 First Grandma opened her gifts.  Her TV in her living room went out just in time for a nice gift of a new TV.
 Grandma also won the first bingo and got to pick the first gift.

 My card is on the left and Bernie's is on the right.  Yup, took me awhile to yell "Bingo!"
 Then time for family pictures.  A nice one of the Hall's.
 We added Grandma.
 Then did Grandma and the 4 grandkids.
 Now a four generation picture.
 After everyone left, Hadley opened her gifts from Great Grandma and the Halls.

 Corbin kept a close eye on Papa.

It was so nice to spread our Christmas celebrations out over 3 days rather than try to cram them into one!

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