Saturday, October 6, 2012

Camping at Big Sioux

Wednesday, August 29, Bernie and I took the camper to Big Sioux for camping that would extend over the labor day weekend.  We were lucky and got our favorite site, #46, for the long weekend.   Thursday was a very hot day - got up to 103 degrees.  I spent the day in the camper making Christmas cards and watching my little DVD player.  Bernie toughed it out outside in the heat.  Friday Becca joined us for the night.  On Saturday September 1 the Hughes came out.  Hadley conned her Auntie B to sit with her in the truck! (Wasn't hard!)
 Just as I snapped the camera, Hadley looked down.  Before I snapped, she was looking out the sun roof and waving!
 Hadley was so happy to be at the camper.  It was so terribly hot that her little cheeks got rosy.
 We cooled off in the camper in the air conditioning.  I had made a Smores mix with Golden Grahams, marshmellows and chocolate chips.  It was so good.  Hadley and Auntie B were sharing.
 Hadley enjoys playing with the balls from the Rodeo Golf.
 Hadley watches everything that goes on and had seen Bernie sweep the leaves off the mat.  She grabbed the little whisk broom and did her own cleaning.
 About nap time, we found Hadley resting on the bean bag board.
 We love this site the best of all of them - #46.  We have lots of room to spread out.

 Sunday, September 2, Becca headed to Omaha to the zoo with her friend Kaylin.  Steph and Hadley spent the day with us.  Hadley was Grandpa's buddy this day and Steph and I were able to relax.  Bernie had put Hadley's pictures on the outside fridge and Hadley noticed them.
 Snack inside the cool camper.

 Relaxing with her water bear.
 Bernie walked all around the campsite following Hadley's little car.  They had so much fun.

Took a little big of a break.

 We decided we needed a little break and went into Brandon for some ice cream.

 One cool chick in the Dairy Queen.

 Back to the campground and Grandpa's little helper was busy doing chores with Papa.

 Gotta wash your hands when you are all done!
Monday Bernie and I relaxed at the camper one last day and Tuesday we packed up early and headed home.  The heat of the weekend was getting to us.  We hated to leave, but felt good to be home in the cool air conditioning.

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